Tuesday, 18 December 2018


I hate traffic but as long as I have a superb playlist (good internet access and sufficient battery on the phone) on my hand, I am okay
Note: This is not a story about ear surgery (lol) you can keep reading without creep
It wasn't long until I recognized a talk about music is kind of talk I enjoy the most. Ever feel like you're sunk into deep and not wanting to be saved? Ok, that's a bit of exaggeration but yes, that was what it felt like to me every time someone tagged me along a music talk. Now imagine you're sitting at the dining table and there's an empty plate in front of you waiting to be filled with different kind of meals. It could be mashed potato, garlic chicken, roasted carrot, and little greens on your plate. It could be a stack of pancakes with simple syrup. It could be steam rice with beef ribs soup and some rice crackers (that's my plate). Or, it could be empty because you are on diet. And just like food, our music preference could be different each other from time to time. I want to proclaim myself as an avid listener of indie music because nothing beats the burst of excitement when people started to ask me what song I was currently listening to (hmm, does this thing convert me into an attention seeker? lol ok then). Why indie songs? Walking against generally accepted taste is hard but finding a really good song people don't usually listen to is a treasure to me. It's a pride and a joy at the same time. This is a story about songs I really fond of.

Saturday, 1 December 2018


One of two books I adopted from a local bookshop in Tiong Bahru. Wasn't sure the shake came from my trembling hands or plane's turbulence.
My plane was delayed for almost 20 minutes. It got me worried a little because I started to assume that something went wrong with the aircraft. Was it broken? Did it need any repair or fix? I did know nothing but I don't mind waiting any longer as long as I can fly safely. But not long after my mind unstoppably presumed that something was off, I saw a red plane had just landed safely right before my eyes. "It must be my plane", told myself. Ten minutes later, a lady from the intercom told me that I and the rest of the passengers were expected to board the aircraft and start the journey. Turned out, the flight was pleasant, the aircraft's okay, and the weather was so friendly.

Friday, 16 November 2018


The Weather Was Sunny With A Chance of Brownie
Singapore again! Entah kenapa gue suka banget jalan ke negara tetangga ini. Bisa dibilang Singapura adalah tempat favorit gue di antara negara-negara lain di Asia Tenggara (padahal baru pernah ke 3 negara wkwk)! Selain karena jarak tempuh yang relatif singkat (cuma 1,5 jam penerbangan dari Bandung), akses serba mudah,  Singapura juga selalu menyajikan hal baru yang atraktif dan paling penting: ga ada di Indonesia hihihi

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Akhir Pekan di Jakarta Aquarium

A rare footage of me talking to my pisces fellas
Ngomongin refreshing di Jakarta pasti ga akan jauh-jauh dari jalan ke mall atau pusat perbelanjaan. Selain karena jumlahnya yang relatif banyak dan variatif, mall di Jakarta juga jadi comfort zone buat orang-orang yang engga bisa beradaptasi baik dengan udara yang panas, lengket, dan berpolusi seperti gue (mandjahh). Tapi masa sih mau ke mol lagi ke mol lagi? Nah, buat kalian yang bosen ke mol yang gitu-gitu aja, bisa banget nih nyoba aktivitas yang kemarin gue coba. Kali ini gue bakal jalan-jalan ngeliat laut tapi dari dalem mol. Hee, gimana gimana rec? penasaran? Yok disimak perjalanan gue selama berkunjung ke tempat ini.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

A Short Visit to Giyanti Coffee Roastery Jakarta

Plang masuk ke Giyanti Coffee Roastery
Hai. I know, it's been too long since the last time i logged in. Kangen juga ya ternyata ngeblog tuhh. Bukannya ga pengen nulis lagi sih, tapi ada aja yang selalu bikin gue batal ngeblog dan yaa .. seringnya sih karena  mood swing atau pada dasarnya, malaz heuheuheu (ok fellow virgos please raise your hand!) Padahal udah sering tuh ya sampe dateng ke kedai kopi gitu cuma supaya dapet mood bagus, menumbuhkan niat nulis, mendapatkan zen moment (halah). eeeh sampe di kafe gue malah browsing-browsing tidak jelas hhhhh. 
Sabtu lalu, secara mendadak gue memutuskan untuk menghabiskan akhir pekan di Jakarta. Engga ada alasan khusus kesana sih tapi kayanya udah lama juga engga main di Jakarta. Jadi untuk beberapa post ke depan, gue akan ngasih review beberapa tempat yang gue kunjungi selama menghabiskan hari di Jakarta, siapa tau bisa menginspirasi teman-temanku yang ingin weekend escape-an di Jakarta!

Saturday, 24 February 2018

The Japanese House - Saw You In A Dream

All good things come to an end
But I thought that this might last
But you came alive so fast
And when I'm awake I can't switch off
It isn't the same but it is enough